What's all the fuss about Segways?
I've never seen them in action, but I can't say I'm worried about Segways. Why the fuss? These things top out at like 12 miles an hour! I know this is heresy in bike-land, but aren't WE the problem?
I've seen some people going 25 miles an hour on the bike path. Wait, I've probably done 25 myself from time to time. I mean, I've had to slam on the brakes to keep from nailing a loose-leashed pooch or a suddenly-direction-changing jogger. I see Segways as much lower speeded that WE bikers. So we bikers can let them join the fun.
And don't we believe in getting more people to use alt. transport?? Allowing Segways on bike/ped paths and sidewalks means more people getting to work/school/shop with less pollution and noise. That's a GOOD thing!
I say, hooray for the Segways.
True, that segways use energy to build and run (ditto for bikes). However, it's a question of scale. When people use a Segway (instead of an SUV or car) to do errands or get to work/school now and then it amounts to vast savings. The goal isn't zero energy use. We like warm homes, cooking our food, and going places. The goal is energy use which doesn't melt the ice caps or foment economic and political problems.
All valid questions, but you cloud the basic point--a small electric unit takes very little energy to operate (even if from a coal-fired power plant) vrs. the same person combusting petroleum to move a 2 ton vehicle. Segways aren't for everyone. For example, my brother, a contractor, needs his Ford F-250 to haul stuff. But even he could make a trip to the liquor store or library on a bike or a Segway.
This is not to envision a nation of Segways. It's to envision a nation which meets its own energy needs with massive wind farms, with biodiesel, with solar energy, and with changed consumption habits.
Again, the goal is not to eliminate oil consumption, it's to bring our energy use into a sustainable model, whereby we don't have to fight wars for oil, melt the ice caps, or ruin the Earth for my 3 year old.
My objection to SB 168 wasn't so much the fact that pedestrians and cyclists would have to share "our" space with small motorized vehicles. My objection was that the bill was crafted so specifically for Segways. Other mobility devices -- electric scooters and what-not -- would still be illegal to operate on paths and bike lanes, even if they have about the same footprint as a Segway.
Good point, Fritz! Point well taken. But at least Segways are a start. Motorized wheelchairs, etc. are great too. The only similar things I object to are gas powered scooters, which roar like lawnmowers and belch smoke.
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