Saturday, November 12, 2005

Cross brakes: 2nd set?

No doubt you've noticed that some new cross bikes are adding a 2nd
set of brake levers at the upright portion of the handlebars. I take it
this can be done without too much trouble, no?

I won a Raleigh Cyclocross Team frameset at the VELOswap , so I'm building
up to sell. (Would have kept it, but it's a 54cm: too small. They refused
to exchange!)

Anyway, do you think I can just add a 2nd set of brake levers?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes. This merely involves:

* removing the actual brake cables from their housing
* carefully cutting the cable housing where the "cross" lever will be
* clamping the "cross" lever in place (the remaining "taped" housing fits
into the "cross" lever)
* the cable is fed through the housing
* the "cut" cable housing ends are slipped into the respective
cable-adjusters on the "cross" lever
* the cable is fed through to the brake caliper & anchored

It's less complicated than that may sound ... and, yes, I bought a set
because I couldn't envision how they worked without seeing a set "in
action." Embarrassingly simple.

You can add the brakes pretty easily ...